The Anigraphical Etudes
Music Video Games for Live Concert Performance
by Classical Composer David Lieberman
Anigraphical Music : Relating to music manuscript published on and for performance directly from the Internet which incorporate elements of 'Animation,' 'Interactivity,' 'Graphical Elements,' and 'Aleatoric/Algorithmic Principals.'
This site is best viewed using a Windows computer if you wish to download the free Concertgames below. (not available on mobile)
Free! **

Orpheus Down for Alto Sax
FREE Video game manuscript
DEMO in a 1st person virtual 3D world
"shooter" format with
embedded real-time AI accompaniment
for live concert performance
(Windows .msi installer file)
This is a
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Contact the composer for how to get a full performance licensed version of the game with rehearsal materials.
Anigraphical Etude #5
Post Cards to Peter Max
FREE Animated performance score with embeddedaccompaniment
for English Horn
(Windows .exe executable file)
Icicles of Rinnoji
Solo Piano
FREE Interactive Laptop page turner score/app.
This is a FULL downloadable
performance Score/App for Windows laptop, tablet or computer

Anigraphical Etude #2
FREE Animated Interactive Performance Score
circa 2001
(Windows .exe file)
Anigraphical Etude #6
FREE Slot Machine
Game Score
for various instruments
circa 2001 - 2002
(Windows .exe executable file)
The NGC 4151 Decryption
Anigraphical Etude #7
Solo Violin
Demo of 'Text Adventure' gamescore interface for Violin
(Windows .exe executable file)
The princess daughters of The Supreme Mantis have been held without gairdeachas in eternal bondage.
Decypher the musical code in a pleasing manner to leave the Mantis' eternal joy for his daughters that he may never see again.

Anigraphical Etude #1
The first interactive Etude
​circa 2000 - 2001
Instrumentation: Flexible

(Windows .exe executable file)

Historical Background
Ca. 2000 I download a stable free version of Macromedia's Flash programming environment and it became immediately evident to me for the first time music manuscript could be enhanced to include all aspects of color, size, motion, interactivity and embedded code for algorithmic results. These concepts had all been individually explored within the framework of traditional music manuscript by such visionary composers as Cage, Kagel, Feldman, Brown, and Lutoslawski; but now (and as the first recorded and published examples of) with the internet they could come to fruition and be performed, downloaded and disseminated directly from the internet. Etude's 1, 2, 4, and 5 (2000 - 2002) were studies exploring color, size, tempo, and choice. By Etude's 6 (Slot Machine) and Etude 7 (Space Text Adventure) it became obvious to me the end result of my work pointed to music, being a language, fell under the same description of 'language-game" defined by the Austrian Philosopher Wittgenstein in his 'Philosophical Investigations' in 1953. With that I headed out to the Game Developer's conference in San Francisco to learn about advanced tools and techniques used by major game developers where I was introduced to Intel Computer's Software Partner Program which was instrumental in guiding and encouraging my further work. Subsequently, I completed Etude 9 and Orpheus Down as full 'walk thru' virtual world interactive games where the performer's actions directly influence the resulting music and real-time generated accompaniment. Anigraphical Etude #9 subsequently won #7 'Top 10 Weirdest Games of the IGF' (2009), and The Anigraphical Etudes won Intel Computer's 'North American Software Partner of the Year' in 2010. My current work is directed toward MMO application in live chamber and orchestral performance enabling a new vitality and extending symphonic performance into the digital era.
In December of 2020 Adobe effected an 'end of life' for its Flash application no longer supporting playback within any of the commercially available browsers. The video below is a walk through of the early Etudes. Most of them including the later Etude 9 and Orpheus Down are available as Window executable full play versions. Please contact me to arrange for their performance.
David Lieberman 2022
Scholarship/Technical Publication